I coach people in the quest to what matters in work & life. I write about what makes sense, in work & life. In stories, articles & communication. I love both dreaming & doing. That’s why I innovate & develop. Often in an international context.
I coach people in their quest for what really matters, in work and life. Since 2004 I work as a careercoach. The themes of making sense, purpose and finding your ‘Ikigai’ has become more present in my work.
I support people in the search for the words that will help them as a guide in their next step in life: in study, engagement, work or about ending a career. At the end of the coaching, you have a guideline which supports you in realising your plans.
I coach individuals, but also teams and organisations. On why you do what you do, on how to stay true to yourself.
Themes: talents, connection, appreciation, making choices, balance work-private, entrepreneurship, burn-out prevention or reintegration after long abscence.
Contact me for an introduction without any obligation. We will have a short getting to know eachother.
I write stories about people and what drives them in their work and life. And how they connect with the world. Stories about real people or fiction.
Or I write articles on how we support people in their quest for what really matters. Thus I share knowledge and insights with people in the workfield.
The story you tell defines the direction you go. That’s why we have to be careful in how we tell things, what words we chose, so they have an inspiring effect on the reader or listener.
I coach people in how they can write their story, their why and aims. On how they can communicate to the world.
Read something?
Most of my professional writing is in Dutch for the magazine LoopbaanVisie (Careervision)
Here are some English sources:
– My contribution to the book Transforming Organisations, Narrative & Storybased Approaches, with an article ‘Re-authoring Careers’.
– I write a blog, sometimes an English text enters my writings.
– Tell me your story about work & Life, is my instagrampage. I will try to feed it regularly (in English) with stories about people and their quest for what matters.
I like to dream, and to do, so the dreams become reality. I like to realise things that seemed impossible before.
During my work and volunteer experience, I see the words ‘experiment, new, innovation, start-up, pilot’ coming back. That is where I feel at ease, that’s where I feel the drive and energy flowing.
This can be by setting up a new project, reviewing an old project or reinventing what is there. By doing and reflecting, by learning while working. Fieldwork supported by research.
Maybe I could support your project, your plans, your development. Let’s talk and see what grows out of it.
As a facilitator I work on internal transition processes on CSR, strategic planning, organisational structure, HR development. Clients are non-profit and profit, small and bigger organisations: Switch IT, çavaria, De Ambrassade, Service Civil International.
Co-founder De Kleine Wereldburger, a local diverse Steiner school, Werk met Zin a cooperation of coaches and trainers
Pilot projects in EVS (Eurpean Voluntary Service 1996-1999), Housing of undocumented Mirgants (2000-2002), Competence Centres in employment projects (2002-2008), Careercoaching (2004-2013), International Talent Works, … and numerous ESF innovation projects.